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Nico Schäfer / Assi - Assignment Searc
MIT LicenseAssI is a small tool to index and search exam/exercise assignments. Assignments are stored as LaTeX files and can be augmented with a title and tags.
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dbis-public / clsm / Learning Over Sets for Databases
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Marvin Häuser / latex
Apache License 2.0Updated -
dbis-public / lmkg / LMKG-Learned Models for Cardinality Estimation in Knowledge Graphs
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This project provides JavaScript-tools to convert a Sudoku to a ILP-program (Integer Liner Programming). It is tailored to work with GLPK.js (GNU Linear Programming Kit). Thus, it can be used to solve Sudokus directly in a Browser.
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Creating a LaTeX-version of script for multi-criterial optimization.
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The Portfolio is for the semester 1 class of ML/AI in Julia
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